Saas Webflow Template - Basel - Designed by and

Team is

Tenum AI was founded in 2023 by Jochen Guck and Federico Zuluaga-Knorr.
Team working in our office
Dedication, curiousity, kindness and an open mind will push us as humans and our technology forward.

We believe in the power of diversity - already our small team is spread across three countries with four different nationalities.

Prior to Tenum AI, Federico and Jochen were working together on the core technology and concepts of Tenum AI for several years.

Jochen, a PhD in engineering, holder of several software patents pushes the frontier of what technology can achieve on a daily basis.

Federico, a serial entrepreneur in the software development industry, previously worked for IBM and Telefonica o2.

We're love to hear from you if you are interested in what we're doing. Do not hesitate to get in touch:

What We Got To Say

Saas Webflow Template - Basel - Designed by and
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Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about how Tenum AI works and its benefits for users.
1. What is Tenum AI?

For Non Techs 🧐: Tenum AI is a unique combination of a next-generation LowCode framework with an AI-agent based system which we call Karla. This combination enables non-developers and developers alike to create complex web applications fast. Real fast.

For Techies 🤓: Tenum is a Generative Application Development Platform and Runtime which uses Software Artefacts such as Message Handlers, Decorators, UI Tests, Issues, Releases, Prompts, Event Handlers, and many many more to cover the full Software Lifecycle (i.e. the DO8: Plan, Code, Build, Test, Deploy, Release, Operate and Monitor). These artefacts are completely flexible and are defined by writing Lua code. We use Lua as an extremely flexible, lightweight configuration language.

The Tenum Abstraction Layer (Software Artefacts and Lua Configuration) is the perfect Communication Interface for our very own AI Agent-based System which we call Karla. Tenum drastically reduces the potential solution space for our AI agents. This results in a much higher success rate than any competitor. That is why Tenum is unique and we are able to enable Non-Developers to write complex Web-Applications.

2. What technical skills do I need?

The straight answer - it depends. In any case, you will need a basic understanding of the underlying technical concepts of your desired solution. Just like my Mom - sorry Mom 🙊 - is not able to develop an App with Tenum anybody with a background in the industry will be. However good the AI is, it always needs guidance and clear requirements. So if you are a designer, a UX or an UI developer, a Product Owner, etc. you will be able to get very far with Tenum. We are constantly working on improving Tenum and are making huge progress towards enabling more and more Non-Developers to create complex apps.

3. Why is Tenum different than other AI developer tools?

Tenum enables Non-Developers to become Software Creators by combining a Application Development platform with AI agents. This unique combination stands out in comparison to other AI Agent -based systems as well as traditional Application Development Systems.

Traditional Application Development platforms are not AI-native and component based. They typically require the user to learn a visual language. Tenum in contrast is Generative i.e. non-component but artefact based. These artefacts are the Software Engineering building blocks AI can use to create the users' solutions.

Other AI development agents like Devin or GPT Engineer, are tools for developers. They are not enabling non-developers as they:

- need to be plugged into expert systems
- will get stuck eventually and require expert guidance

4. What are the limits of Tenum AI?

Initially Tenum can be used as a SaaS platform to build fullstack serverless Apps. These are Apps with complex UIs and Backend functionality that run within Tenum. Eventually Tenum Apps can be run locally, on prem or as native iOS or Android Apps.

5. Can Tenum be used with external web APIs?

Yes, we have an HTTP Interface. Also we are planning to provide a wide range of standard integrations making development with Tenum much easier.

6. Where are Apps built with Tenum hosted?

Your App will be hosted on the Tenum cloud currently running on OHV. In the furute we are planning to introduce options to make Tenum Apps exportable to run them on your own cloud, as Native Apps (iOS & Android) or as Desktop Applications.

7. What LLM is used?

We use our very own RAG system with GPT-4o running underneath. Eventually we are planning to give users different options in choosing their preferred LLM. We are working on a prompt manager which allows for benchmarking user prompts against different LLMs in order to optimise output, performance and costs.

*If you have any further questions please.
Documentation coming soon
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